About Us
Hello and thank you for visiting. Using a combination of Naturopathy, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Meditation, Life Coaching and Kinesiology, we offer a tailored holistic approach to your health and well-being.
We are passionate about health and embrace the power of many modern and natural healing modalities. In recent times, many of the simple, powerful and natural modalities have been ignored or forgotten. Too often health practitioners only rely on modern drugs that are designed to only treat the symptoms of disease rather than first find and eliminate the root cause.
At Treemendus Health, we strive to restore and support your health using a balance of both modern science and natural healing modalities.
If you are ready to begin your healing journey, we're ready to help.
Andrew & Servane

Sound Healing / Therapy
A deeply relaxing sonic massage that can balance both your body and your mind.
Sound waves are one of the most powerful healing modalities and have been used therapeutically for centuries.
A typical sound therapy session at Treemendus Health aims to balance your body, your mind, and your biofield using carefully selected notes and frequencies played with a range of therapeutic instruments.
Often a session will focus on achieving a specific therapeutic outcome by triggering a self-healing response within the body.
Sessions are generally deeply relaxing but upon request may also provide an excellent platform to release unwanted emotional baggage.
Certified Sound Healing Courses
Learn how to work with Crystal Singing Bowls, Gong, Tibetan bowls, Drum, Tuning Forks and your own Voice with the Sound Healing Academy. Facilitated in person by Andrew Cox.
The Sound Healing Academy has been providing professional training since 2003 to students and practitioners in over 70 countries worldwide and is an approved training provider with the International Institute For Complementary Therapists (IICT). When you qualify with one of the Integral Sound Healing Practitioner Diplomas, you can get professional indemnity insurance.